Warning! Do not use Fat BurnersÂ… unless....

.....you follow the Rules.

Every day our customer service lines light up with callers wanting to know “which fat burner is the best?” or “do these products really work?. Well, that is such a loaded question and dependent on so many factors that it usually sparks a long conversation and investigation into the bigger picture.

So let's dive in to the other factors that effect whether a fat burner/thermogenic is going to “work” for you.

First of all, let’s be perfect clear, fat burners work. They work by increasing metabolism, suppressing appetite and increasing energy for exercise and life in general. However, there are many rules and basic to using thermogenics and if they are not followed, you should expect very little of your fat burners/thermogenics.

Let's explore these basic fundamentals together.


Even though people have been told that water is essential for hair, vital to tissue and skin, crucial to digestion and metabolism, the most abundant substance of the body, needed for every cellular process and you will die if you don't get enough….people still don't drink enough water. Well, water is even more important while on a weight loss program taking thermogenics/burners.

The quick biology of it is, the body burns fat by a process called ketosis -- which in turn dumps ketones in the system – the ketones are then flush from the body in our urine. When there is not enough water to flush, this fat burning process slows or stops.

No Couch Potatoes Please

If you are not exercising and in general good health a thermogenic is a bad idea. Fat burners and thermogenics were designed to help competing bodybuilders and fitness competitors lean out the competitive stage. It is important to realize thermogenics should be fueling your healthy life and giving your program “an edge”, not a crutch for a bad diet and inactivity.


  • Resistance Training – Nothing burns more calories and fat, nothing. Makes sure you work all muscle groups. Learn one new thing per month. I like to see 2-3 sessions that are 45-60 minutes in length weekly.

  • Cardiovascular Training – Did you know we are supposed to do this every single day of life now? That’s what the surgeon general says. Try for at least 3-4 session weekly. No excuses.

Start with a Foundation of Proper Nutrition

You should not expect the fat burner to be a magic pill. Everyone has a responsibility of basic health and nutrition first and then you are ready for fat burners.


  • Daily multiple vitamin and mineral forms – nothing should be expected to work correctly when deficiencies are present.
  • Protein – about 1 gram per pound of bodyweight – protein is essential to stabilizing blood sugars, maintaining lean tissue and so much more
  • Fiber – get your RDA at least -
  • Healthy Fats – Carlson’s Fish Oil is my favorite – Fats are very important to the body
  • Eat at least 4 times daily – Real Food, not all the processed, sugary crap we American typically gorge on.

So, when you start your next bottle of fat burners be sure to follow these rules and your results will be better than ever.

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