Is your child active?

Tips to get your child active

Assist your children in learning how to develop good physical activity habits at an early age by setting a good example yourself. Practice heart-healthy habits, because your children look up to you.

Limit TV watching, movies, videos and computer games to less than two hours a day. (Dependent on the average amount of time your child may spend on them already). Interchange the rest of leisure time with physical activity indoors or out.

Plan family outings and vacations that engage vigorous activities such as hiking, bicycling, skiing, swimming, and so on.

Give your children some household chores that require physical exertion, keeping in mind their levels of strength, coordination and maturity. Mowing lawns, raking leaves, scrubbing floors and taking out the garbage not only teach responsibility but can also be good exercise.

Monitor sports and activities your children like, then find out about lessons and clubs local to you. Some children thrive on team sports; others prefer individual activities. Some activities, like tennis and swimming, can be enjoyed for a lifetime and are much easier to learn during childhood.

If it's safe to walk or bike rather than drive, do so. Use stairs instead of elevators and escalators. Increase the distances you and your children walk. Your children will watch you make these changes and will most often try to imitate or “follow in your footsteps”.

Stay caught up in your child's physical education classes at school. At daycare, make sure the kids exercise at least 20 minutes a day. Ask about frequency of classes and activity, class size, curriculum, physical fitness assessments, and the qualifications of the teacher (should hold appropriate certification in physical education and be an appropriate role model for students). Physical fitness should be measured at the beginning and end of each year, and goals should be established for every child.

Make sure you give your children a daily vitamin supplement. This will help keep them healthy and also make sure they are getting vitamins and minerals they are not getting from foods.

Discourage homework immediately after school to let children find some diversion from the structure of the school day. Kids should be active after school and before dinner. Find the time to fit homework in between those two times. Do not wait till after dinner, since most children begin their wind-down for the evening after their last meal.

Give fitness-oriented gifts, for example, a jump rope, mini-trampoline, tennis racket, baseball bat, a youth membership at the local YMCA or YWCA, and so on. Select the gift with your child's skills and interests in mind.

Take advantage of your city's recreation opportunities, from soccer leagues to fun runs, or season designated activities. Check out the various camps or organizations that sponsor outdoor activities such as camping, hiking trips, biking, swimming, skiing or bird watching.

Disable your child from mechanical restraints as much as possible. Strollers and playpens are high on convenience but low on activity potential. Try to set free your diapered wild one whenever and wherever he or she can safely move around under supervision.

When your children are bored, suggest something that gets them moving, like playing catch or building a snowman in the yard rather than allowing technology to amuse them.

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