Dietary Fiber - Insoluble & Soluble Fiber


Dietary Fiber is extremely essential & healthy to the daily functioning of your body and should include into your daily diet. Dietary Fiber can be found in many of the foods that you should be eating each day, which include: fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes. Healthy sources of fiber are commonly known to help relieve constipation, but also are beneficial to reducing the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Dietary Fiber, which is also commonly known as roughage or bulk contains all properties of plant foods that your body is unable to digest or absorb. Other food components, which includes proteins, fats or carbohydrates can be broken down and absorbed, where fiber is not digested within the body. Since, it cannot be broken down or absorbed it will pass in a unchanged form through your stomach, small intestine and will end up in your colon.

There are two different categories of fiber which includes: Insoluble Fiber & Soluble Fiber.

  • Insoluble Fiber - This form of fiber is designed to promote the movement of material through your digestive system during the process of digestion. It will stool bulk, which is essential to those who are having constipation problems or irregular bowels. Good sources of insoluble fiber include whole-wheat flour, wheat bran, nuts and many of the vegetables found in the grocery stores.

  • Soluble Fiber - The soluble fiber source is one that dissolves into water to develop material similar to gel. This is essential to lowering your blood cholesterol and glucose levels. Great sources of soluble fiber include oats, peas, beans, apples, citrus, fruits, carrots, barley, along with psyllium.

There are many benefits when incorporating a healthy amount of fiber into your daily diet. When implementing a high fiber you will receive several health benefits, that include the following.

1.Constipation Relief – Dietary Fiber is designed to the increase the weight, along with the size of your stool. It will also soften your stools, which makes it easier to pass and decreases the possibility of being constipated. If you are known to currently have loose or watery bowel movements, fiber will help make it more solid by absorbing the water and adding bulk to your stool.

2.Reduce Blood Cholesterol Levels – Your sources of soluble fiber, including beans, flaxseed and oat bran is known to help lower the total blood cholesterol levels. This process occurs by reducing low-density lipoprotein, also known as bad cholesterol.

3.Reduce The Risk of Digestive Conditions – When you incorporate a high fiber diet it is beneficial to lowering your risk of certain disorders, which may include: hemorrhoids, irritable bowel syndrome and diverticular disease, which is small pouches in your colon.

4.Promotes Weight-Loss – A high fiber diet requires you to chew food longer than other foods. This process allows time for your body to realize it is full and helps you from overeating. Fiber tends to make a meal feel bigger than it actually is, resulting in feeling fuller for a longer period time and features less calories than other foods.

5.Regulates Blood Sugar Levels – In particular soluble fiber is essential to slowing down the process of the absorption of sugar, which is beneficial to those who have diabetes. Soluble Fiber is known to help individuals promote healthier levels of blood sugar and reduce your chances of the development of type 2 diabetes.

There are other benefits of dietary fibers, which include the possibility of reducing your chances of colorectal cancer. There are mixed reviews on this so if you have concerns of colon cancer, speak with your doctor and ask for a colon screen.

How Much Fiber Should You Consume Daily?

You may wonder how much fiber you should take in on a daily basis. After thorough research, here is a good guideline based on age and your sex.


  • 50 Years & Younger: Should consume 38 Grams of Fiber each day.
  • 51 Years & Older: Should consume 30 Grams of Fiber each day


  • 50 Years & Younger: Should consume 25 Grams of Fiber per day.
  • 51 Years & Older: Should consume 21 Grams of Fiber per day.

Good ways to increase your fiber intake include: Grains & Whole Grain Foods, Fruits & Vegetables, Beans, Peas & Other Legumes, along with Nuts & Seeds. If for some reason you absolutely refuse to implement these sources of fiber, I suggest looking into Fiber Supplements.

You can find a great selection of Fiber Supplements at for low prices. Increase your intake of fiber today and promote a healthier colon.

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